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Biographie : Southern Forest


In the middle of Octuber/2003 Tormentor and I decide to start a band, that was based in our feelings about life, forest and human nature, ourn darkest feelings. The first name was “Oracle Forest” but some weeks later we change to “Southern Forest”, a homage to the Nature of our Fatherland. Aways doing a very raw black metal, we both beginning to play at the nigths at Tormentor`s Farm. Was very underground and mysterious reunions.
The sounds was very straight and the lyrics was very phylosophics, doing the header think and ration. Our first recorded sound was “Lord of Madness”, a middle temp song, very oldschool, very raw, with straight, this one was record in candle ligths. After a time as a duo, November/2003 we recruit Sabbath to play bass and record the song “Pentagraman” that the first name was “Black Symphony”, this song is very important to the band, great evil energy, a war agaist the weaks, making the header think about human nature, human poor, human obstructions.
We practice over a month, making riffs and stuffs but we stoped in December/2003.
Was June/2004 when we recruit Fromhell to the other guitar and retake to play with straigth power. We do “Übermensch”, a very original slow song with a Strong lyric based at Nietszche´s book – The Antichrist.
Some days after, me and Fromhell finished some riffs and pass to the others guy, so, after this “Fake Nature” was finished, our moust important song in my point of view, massive riffs with my best performance. This song make is made by a thoughts explosion, eminent philosophy.
We take a little time again in Octuber/2004 but we back “again” in February/2005 to make our the next song.
“Forest Rules Divine” came after, a fast raw song, rmember the old days of black metal, is my favorit chorus riff of all.
After this one we make a home record very serious, than born the EP “Pentagraman”, with 4 songs. Thre is a song that we finished , we take another break ´cause we are living so far now (about 500 Km) but we are on hold and not finished, only take our time. We hope you join our darknes, very raw, from the Soth.

Zathan khaoZ