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Biographie : Silent Call

Arising from the thriving music scene of Stockholm, Sweden, Silent Call trace their lineage all the way back to the year 1990, when founding members Daniel Ekholm and Patrik Ulfström met through a common friend.
Realizing their common passion and strong melodic influence, they began playing together in the local heavy metal band Satins ´n´ lace (later renamed to Jamback) and did so for many years apart from a few short breaks for some separate projects in various bands. Together they formed what remains the chief driving force and songwriting effort behind Silent Call's sound.

In 2006, the band was joined by powerhouse drummer Mikael Kvist (Elsesphere, Fate). This latest addition coincided with the band's embarkation upon a great songwriting journey, and Silent Call began to focus more coherently and seriously on the production and recording of their music.
The lineup was soon expanded with the acquisition of bass talent Tobbe Moen (Red Fun, OZ, Creozoth).
An old acquaintance of Mikael, Tobbe was sent a few demo songs and was asked to join.
Impressed, he accepted, and so the search for a fitting vocalist began.

The singer's slot was finally filled in September of 2006 when Mikael remembered a vocalist he had worked with before
– Ex Seventh Wonder and Elsesphere vocalist Andi Kravljaca.
He called Andi on a Friday afternoon and asked him to prepare two songs for an audition on Sunday. Two days later, Andi showed up and blew everyone away. Silent Call had finally found their man. After the completion of the lineup, things happened very quickly for Silent Call.

The band's debut 4-track demo "Divided," recorded during the winter of 2006/2007 in Södertälje, Sweden, was released in January of 2007, and showcased the band's new direction and lineup.
"Divided" was well received by press and public alike, and planted Silent Call firmly on the canvas of Stockholm's live scene.
The demo also attracted the attention of several European record houses, and after a tentative period of negotiation, Silent Call finally signed a recording deal with British label Escape Music, in April of 2007.
After completing the recording sessions during the summer of that year, Silent Call are now fully engaged in the postproduction of their debut album, slated for release in 2008.

Source : http://www.silentcall.se