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Biographie : Ruled By Reason

Ruled by Reason began in the Fall of 2008. Guitarist Brian Montgomery and Bassist Chris Glavac had been playing music together for a few years, and were trying to find musicians with similar interests and ambitions. They ended up jamming with Matt Tarach, a friend of Chris, who quickly became a part of the project. After a few weeks of writing, Matt ran into Sam Newman, the drummer from his former band, Decameron, and asked him to be a part of the group. A musical chemistry was apparent and after a few songs were completed, the search for a vocalist began. An ad was put out on Craigslist and Jason Dean responded. After only one tryout, they were sold on his natural talent and he was welcomed into the Ruled By Reason mix. A three-track demo was recorded in the Winter of '08, and come 2009, Ruled by Reason hit the stage. Since then, the quintet has gone on to share the stage with such bands as Between the Buried and Me, Cynic, Emmure, Veil of Maya, The Faceless, Born of Osiris, After the Burial and many others.

Source : myspace.com