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Biographie : Primigenium

PRIMIGENIUM was formed during depressive anno 1992 by Smaug and Alhaz as a Black Metal band Soon the first hymns were created, simple Black Metal music influenced by bands like BATHORY or BELL R. During about one year lots of problems with rehearsal room and equipment arrive, so the band only practiced occasionally; nevertheless during anno 1993 PRIMIGENIUM matures towards a major philosophic view of Black Metal and the sound develops into fast Black Metal with a strong Northern influence. During this time only some rehearsal sessions were recorded, but not available.

In November anno 1993, PRIMIGENIUM starts,working on their first studio recording, two hymns for their debut EP. The event took place under the January Fullmoon anno 1994 at Greendrum studio in Madrid. For this recording The Caller was used as a session bassist. Hymns recorded were "Feeling at one with the Night' and "The cold, the emptiness", and the result was quite positive according to the reviews. This Ep was supposed to be released by British label Cacophonous Records, but problems arrived (rip off's) and the band finally took command and released the recording by themselves as a professional cassene-Ep titled "As eternal as the Night" and linuted to 600 copies. The response was great and this tape is sold out for a while.

Begins anno 1995 and a new warrior Join the PRIMIGENIUM Legion, Nebulath as bass player.

With that tape, some labels shows interest in the band and Wild Rags Records offers them the release of a CD5 with that first recording. The band accepted and returned to the same studio under the March Fullmoon in order to record a promo tape which would be featured as bonus in the CD release. Hymns recorded this time were "As eternal as the Nighf' and the dark outro "Art Of War".

This release was delayed for a time but finally out in anno 1996 with the title of "...As eternal as the Night..." and available throught the label or the band itself.

Again some labels shows interest in PRIMIGENIUM and the band accept the offer of Greek Unisound

International Records for the release of their fidl debut album. With Nebulath out of the band, under the

December Fullmoon anno 1996, PRIMIGENIUM hits the studio finally for the recording of "Art Of War". Again problems arrive with the label and the deal is cancelled due to the jewish atittude of Unisound So the band starts looking for a serious label for the release and finally got signed by Full Moon Productions in the USA.

Musically "Art Of War" can be described as pure Black fucldng Metal, fast as Hell, and with a high level of composition. As always, no keyboards, female vocals or any other trendy instrument was used in any of their metal hymns. All the words and metal music in this recording are written and performed exclusively by Smaug and Alhaz. Be sure this album kills, just like a sharp knife deep in the neck of a Christian rat.

Source : www.fmp666.com