Biographie : Poltus

POLTUS was formed in 1988 by Blaklung after he and his drummer from another band went to watch a friends band practice. The band was quite bad and uninspired but their drummer was incredible and full of energy. He invited Blaklung to play a few songs with him and the chemistry and precision was so intense, both of them decided on the spot, to cease their activity with their current bands and to unite with each other and POLTUS was born.
Even as a duo, people were so impressed with what they were doing, that the word was spreading very fast and musicians from all around were clambering to get onboard. Blaklung spent the next 4+ years searching for the finest musicians he could find. In 1991 while studying sound engineering he met a guitarist whose rhythm and feel was so solid he recruited him into the fold(Blakaarm). In 1992 Lung and Aarm were recording a demo for a hot new act lighting up the scene known as DESECRATE. Soon after, both DESECRATE'S guitarists would cease that act and join POLTUS. POLTUS was now complete as a 5 piece featuring 3 guitars, 3 vocalists, bass and drums.
By 1993 they were rapidly making waves in the local scene and becoming known as one of the fiercest live acts in Australia. They began as a death metal band but after becoming disillusioned by the number of clones death metal was producing in the early mid 90's they leaned more towards a black approach but always kept their thrash and death roots embedded within their song writing. With the drummer having numerous issues with the law, the band was missing many opportunities with touring and recording appointments. This was obviously creating issues within the camp and would eventually lead to the 2 DESECRATE lads exiting in 1995.
In the meantime Lung and Aarm had opened a record store specialising in heavy metal exclusively, known as BLACK TOWER RECORDS. It would become the home of metal in their region selling 25% of all Australian sales. The band recruited another bassist and guitarist but after the bassist had a severe brain injury due to an over zealous security doorman and the guitarist decided to get married and leave, POLTUS decided to move forward as a 3 piece.
1997-98 was to be another tumultuos time for the band. After sending their demo to a well known label in Europe, they found that not long after, their material had shown up on a new release from a popular Finnish band. Soon after Blak Mountain Castle was diagnosed with a brain tumour and underwent surgery that left him very slow and never able to play again. The band that was once described as the most influential act to come out of Australia since SADISTIK EXEKUTION were finding that they were far more cursed than MAYHEM or ANVIL could ever imagine.
By 2000 Blaklung had been diagnosed with a life changing heart condition and a severe vomiting syndrome that would leave him spending much time in hospitals. Both Lung and Aarm had spent so many years having fans pleading for something to be released, that they finally would make their way into the studio to deliver "Born Into Black". After receiving an offer to record a full length at a later date, the band decided to leave their most popular, fan favourite tracks off the EP with plans to put them onto the full length. After the EPs release there were some major issues with an overseas label ripping off the band. This was to be the final straw that broke their spirit and Blakaarm packed up his life and moved to Indonesia.
POLTUS would never reach the heights that was expected of them but their memory and live performances will forever live on in the hearts and minds of their loyal base of supporters.

Source : lordsutlop