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Biographie : Pandaemonium (ITA)

Early days…thrash metal days
Pandaemonium rose from the ashes of Mad Faith in 1995, Mad Faith played loud thrash and the change of the band's name coincided with the change of the music they played. Strongly inspired by fantasy literature and role playing game Pandaemonium started making their way through power epic metal, although a only a few band used to play that genre at that time. Death and thrash metal bands was leading the metal scene all over the world and albums like “Episode” or “Legendary Tales” were still to be recorded.
The singer Daniel Reda is the only members of Mad Faith still in Pandaemonium

For a while Pandaemonium played live around Milan also winning some contests, at that time the band used to play masquered, on the scene there was the druid, the magician, the thief and the warrior. The live shows were stunning, the extreme screaming vocals and the fast songs always stroke the ears of the audience. Pandaemonium got pretty famous in the underground scene and felt like they have to start looking for better musicians in order to make the big step.

Time to Demonstrate your skills
It took several years to find a quite strong formation to record a demo, at this time the bassist Lorenzo, at the only age of 15, joins the band.
In 1996 Pandaemonium enters the G.B. studios and records “Sabbath Day”, a fast and furious two songs demo.
The formation changes again and in 1997 the guys are back in the studio recording another demo called “The Alchemist”.
The two works show the great qualities, both technical and artistic, of the band.

The Deal is coming
The two demos came to the ears of Underground Symphony who decided to sign a two records deal with the band. The guys have reached the first aim but just before entering the studios the drummer quit the band; Pandaemonium have to quickly find a substitute. No problem, few months later the band is ready to start the sessions with a brand new drummer.

The Recordings before…
Pandaemonium records their debut-album between June 1998 and January 1999.
Voices and keyboards are recorded at Master Studio, all other instruments at Zenith Recordings, the album is mixed at Zenith Recordings and mastered at Elettroformati.
Powerful epic songs are mixed with acoustic guitars and female vocals creating an original sound, trademark of the band; also a piano version of “The Alchemist” is included in the track-list

…the Release ...And The Runes Begin To Pray” is finally out in the stores in October 1999, the full-length is well reviewed by metal magazines and quickly sells out the first 3000 copies. The album is still an Underground Symphony best-seller and also an LP limited-edition version has been produced.
Pandaemonium start touring and kickin' ass around north Italy, is a great moment for the band but some trouble were coming.

Three are leaving…but one is coming
Suddenly Alex Niall decides to leave the band for job problems, a few months later also Ragman and Simone Barbieri take the same decision in order to follow their changed musical tastes. Daniel Reda and Lorenzo are alone, but they decide not to give in and they start searching for new members. The amazing guitarist Steve Volta joins them, making the new Pandaemonium ready to work on the new album.

Back in the studios, with the will to break out
The band has completed the writing of their second work, after several trying they find a drummer to record the new songs.
Pandaemonium enters again the doors of Zenith Recordings in November.
With a far more mature approach and with the precise aim of making a strong, great sounding album, the band starts the hard recording sessions of “Return To Reality”.

Again one is leaving! As downloading kills the first release
In 2003 the recordings are over and there's already a final mix tape ready to be released. Unfortunately Undergroun Symphony has some problem because of the large amount of master of other band that accumulated in the past year and couldn't be release for the crisis of music business. Pandaemonium patiently wait for a year playing a lot and preparing themselves for the up coming tour. The drummer can't take any longer the situation an also due to some personal problems leaves the band at the end of the year.

The new fourth piece to the Pandaemonium puzzle
In 2004 Pandaemonium has to search for their lost fourth member, that posticipate again the release of “Return To Reality”. Finally they find Federico Ria, a furious drummer and the band is again ready to roll. In this year the band make some concert in the north of Italy in order to anticipate the new album and see how people reacted to the new material.

A new mix, a video and the definitve “Return To Reality” is OUT
Finally it seems that Underground Symphony is ready to release “Return To Reality”. A few weeks before the release the band take possession of the previous mix in order to change the sound of the album that didn't totally satisfied them. At his “Burning Sound Studios” Steve does the remix and the remaster of the whole album, which finally has what it takes to be killer. Pandaemonium, under the direction of Stefano Giudici, also shot their first video clip for the song “Time Of Glory”, wich is now contained in the CD.
By the end of July “Return To Reality”, the second album of Pandaemonium, is out in the store. The rest of the history is still to be written.

Source: http://www.pandaemonium.org/storia.php