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Biographie : Nile Red

The band was originally founded over the warm ashes of Mad Cows and some of its members (i.e. Laurent-drums and Jérôme-bass). The three of them already knew each other from high school. After Mad Cows fell apart, Laurent & Jérôme decided to continue to make music together, and were soon joined by Seb, who would play guitar in 2000.

After a year of rehearsal, without doing anything solid besides shitty deftones & mudvayne covers and one original song, they looked for a singer. Bosco was that one. But after some rehearsals, he decided not to go on and went into another band, more death-metal oriented : Foetur.

However, nothing was lost for the core of the band, since they found through Bosco their 2nd guitar player, Fab. The latter would bring in a new singer : Sam.

So the line up of the band was complete in 2001 under the name KETAMA. They managed to write 7 original songs, mixing hardcore influences as well as neo-metal, which they played in Triel Sur Seine for their first concert.

Unfortunately, Seb left them in September 2002, because he had found a job and couldn't go on with both activities. Sam gave the idea to enrole a friend from his school to take over the guitar duties : Olivier. He is now the webmaster/designer of this website.

From now on, they ripped their asses off, writing new songs, more oriented into a dark, heavy metalcore, with bits of death metal, helped with lyrics, sometimes in French, sometimes in English exploring the weak and coward side of human psyche (l'abîme), and expressing a pessimistic view of the world (24/02/87).  

After a first recording at the SAE (School of Audio Engineering), which enabled them to experience the studio in 2003, they recorded 5 songs with Hervé Baudier in Twin Touch Studios, for a more professional demo. This demo will enable them to share their music on stage.