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Biographie : Nerthus

While most of the New-Age-Black-Metal-Bands - which started in their beginning often very much promising - nowadays only sounding like bad clones of their selves, existing time like another chosen kind of dark hordes, which getting better album by album. With "Scattered To The Four Wainds" the unholy austrian metal-sorcerers Nerthus unleash now finally their strong awaited and also highly sophisticated follow-up album after their high acclaimed debut work "Escape from Suction". On their first album these brillant band understand it in perfection, to create monumental medieval atmospheres, and so they do it also on With "Scattered To The Four Wainds". That has meanwhile become a own trademark in the - from much dark emotions strong leaded - songs from Nerthus. Those Austrian servants of ancient musical traditions travelling now again hand in hand with the listeners far away to the mystic and occult places of Europe in his dark middle ages. Nerthus showing us once again absolute musical possession. And without any single doubt they are surely nearer than ever at a position of the leaders of the whole Black-Metal-genre. With "Scattered To The Four Wainds" Nerthus have even reached, to enrich the high quality song level of their debut with more authentic atmospheres than ever before in their noble career so far. Chainsaw-like and unique, really dangerous sounding icy guitars co-operate very effective with thunderous pounding and devastating drum-attacks; bestial and wrathful growling vocal-lines stand mighty against charming medieval acoustics. And through a massive dose of high intelligent and very mystic keyboard-arrangements the mighty Nerthus a able again to break thousands of deep black and excited trembling hearts. The band knows again to build up monumental, breathtaking and crackling tensions, which were again and again in good hands with lovely arrangements. Like in the past again pressure-full and clear produced, "Scattered To The Four Wainds" reflects the sheer endless hate of the - now four, formerly they were three - involved musicians against the modern civilisation and it´s rotten and hypocrite ideals. What a good opportunity for honest dark-soul lunatics, to celebrate again their passions for real hateful and epic Black-Metal with this really magic release. Once more a endless travel to long forgotten and glory places. Without a return…

(Source: CCP Records)