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Biographie : Nemost

In 2005, two musicians Johan (guitarist) and Lucas (bassist) decided to make a band to share their passion for metal . After deep reflection about the musical direction that the band would follow, they finally got a durable line-up in 2007 : Thibaud as a singer, Samuel as a second guitarist. After several gigs in Paris and the recording of their self-titled demo, they have found their drummer in the fall of 2008 : Lieutenant Saz.

Nemost are now performing more and more shows and have achieved the writing of their first album that will be released in 2009. Inspired by such genres as progressive death metal, thrash metal, doom metal, gothic metal and many others, each song has their own identity. From the catchy riffs of Sardanapale to the dreamy melodies of Whisper, Nemost intend to mix rage and melancholy, energy and sensitivity.

Source : Johan Nat