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Biographie : Nekroskop

Nekroskop began as a “fuck art; let's grind”-project between Roger (drums), Anders (bass), and Åsa (guitar) in Malmö/Lund (Sweden), during the early half of 2012. Dennis soon joined in on vocals, but left the band in the beginning of 2013. Martin joined on vocals and started to purge his lungs inside-out during the recordings of the EP "Baptized in Formalin" (to be released in May through Goregeous Productions). Each member is influenced by a various plethora of noisy music, ranging from old school/brutal death metal and in-your-face black metal, to unpolished crust punk, and together the main goal of the band is to make energetic music and to evolve.

Source : http://www.facebook.com/nekroskopband