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Biographie : Koroded

After the Silverdust debut album "THE ABSURD BEAUTY OF BEING ALONE" was released in November 2004, KORODED embarked on what would be their busiest time since getting together. Storming from Germany to England, to Hungary, to Denmark- Koroded quickly captured the hearts of new and old fans alike with their honesty, energetic and uncomprimising Live Shows. After countless headliner shows and touring with the likes of STUCK MOJO, DOWNSET and CROWBAR, the end of 2005 brought a upheaval of Line Up changes. Cologne based guitar player Frank Fleckenstein joined KORODED, which proved to be a great addition not only to the music and the creative process, but also for the spirit and intensity in the band. Shortly after, KORODED split with bass-player Rainer Classen, leaving not only the future of KORODED in question- but also all the members having various personal conflicts come to a head all at once. Especially singer Jan Röders life turned upside down when his relationship fell apart, leaving him wondering not only the fate of his band, but also plaguing him with nightmares about a relationship turned to dust in a wink of an eye. Still, none of this could hold KORODED back, so with their stomachs full with anger, the guys dug down in the dirt and started to write the songs that would become their 2nd full length album and best by far: "TO HAVE AND TO UNHOLD. On the one hand, the new album sounds more heavy, rough, dark, brutal and emotional than their previous offering, but also more thought out and much better structured. Songs like Zero Minus Zero, Embers and Unhold are proof of this development and show exactly what KORODED are made of. The superb production of friend, colleague and drinking partner Jacob Bredahl, singer of the almighty HATESPHERE, gave KORODED a thundering sound that can compete with some of the best international productions today. With "TO HAVE AN TO UNHOLD, KORODED rely on their strengths and what they know best: no eyeliner, no hype, no over the top slogans or sales pitches- just honest hard rocking metal songs from the stomach, just what you would expect from KORODED.

Source : myspace.com