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Biographie : Hubris

Spawned in western New York in late 2007, black metal outfit Hubris has entered the endless war path. They have been at the center of an extreme metal revival in Buffalo, along with a host of other great bands, and have performed with acts such as Watain, Lock Up, Goatwhore, Dark Funeral, Grave, Hate, Nokturnel, Insanity, Abazagorath, Manticore, and many others.

Hubris released their debut full length album under Butchered Records in 2012, and, in late 2013, they successfully executed their first cross-country US tour: The Satanic Crusades, alongside their brothers in arms : Neldoreth.

Now, the band prepares to record the second LP and a subsequent EP. Endless hellfire awaits -- you are not prepared !!!

Source : https://www.facebook.com/thetruehubris/info