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Biographie : Great Vast Forest

Formed by Surgath (Vocals and Lyrics) in the southern winter of 1995, the Great Vast Forest horde begins its activities with the aim of performing an extreme, aggressive and epic Black Metal with its own sound, since then following its musical personality adopted as " Barbarian Black Metal".

Their lyrics describe ancestral battles, honor, morals and pride of warriors, paganism, mythology, misanthropy and the most morbid and hidden feelings awakened by the powerful southern nature that surrounds them.

In November 1998 the horde entered the studio to record their official demo-tape entitled "Where The Warriors Ride..." which was released independently in early 1999. This tape is composed of three songs: "Masters of the Old War" , "Majestic south" and "Imperial Moon" with distinct characteristics, combining epic hymns to Pagan cruelty, this work had great repercussion within the extreme underground due to its evident originality, being distributed in several countries among them: Italy, Germany, Poland, Greece, Belgium, France, Portugal, Ukraine, Rep. Czech, USA, England, etc...

The following years were followed by numerous presentations in the southern states, so after having received some proposals from labels for the release of a debut-cd, the horde opted for the proposal of "Evil Horde Records" signing at the end of 2000 a contract for two albums. The first entitled "Battletales and Songs by Steel", was recorded in February 2001 and released in May 2002 and included the re-recording of three songs from the demo-tape: "Masters of the Old War", "Majestic south", " Imperial Moon", an old song called: "Cold Souls of the Forest" and four new songs: "Pagan Kingdom", "Wolvesclan", "The Gate Behind the Mountain" and "Stormtroops" featuring an Intro and an Outro all composed at the time, totaling ten songs on the debut-cd.

As this material is released and distributed worldwide by various labels in numerous countries, with great acceptance by the worldwide Black Metal scene, the following year some changes are made to the line-up and the horde goes on doing shows to promote the debut-cd, in 2004, after several rehearsals and compositions, the horde enters the studio to record the EP entitled: "Blood of Wolves" which is receiving great criticism for its musical evolution, the horde continues its presentations at festivals in the following years, also with some more changes in training.

Finally in 2006 the horde manages to stabilize its formation finding warriors really at the height of the ideology and musicality of the horde, these being: Gaurhoth (from the "Draugurz" horde on Guitar), Trolläusen (from the "Ásgard" horde on the other Guitar), Wölf ( from the "HadeSS" horde on Bass), Skäriath (from the "Astövidatüs" horde on Drums) and Cörvus Malificarium (known in the regional Black Metal scene for his musical works, thus definitively assuming the keyboards of the horde).

At the end of 2006, the horde returned to the stage with a show in Lages/Santa Catarina, which was highly praised by the audience there.

Source : https://www.letras.com.br/great-vast-forest/biografia