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Biographie : Eradykate

ERADYKATE is a band from Toulouse (south-west of France), which was formed in january 99 by Julien (vocals and guitar) and Phil (guitar) soon joined by François (bass).
After several unfortunate changes of line-up aimed to find another guitar player so that Brutal Killer could concentrate on the vocals and a real drummer of flesh and bones, we finally decided to record our first demo Worldwide Sodomination in April 2002 with a drum machine.
That demo was never distributed nor sold, for some months after its recording we found what we were looking for so long, a second guitar player, Mika, and a drummer, Steph.
We have played several gigs since then and added enough songs to record our first album Rektaliation in May 2003 at Bud Records studios in Bordeaux. We found a deal some months after to distribute it with Galy Records, Canada.

Eradykate play sort of a techical Brutal Death with a funny touch. We've been originally influenced by bands like SUFFOCATION, MESHUGGAH, CRYPTOPSY, MONSTROSITY, and so on. You may also recognize some bits of Czech school (INTERVALLE BIZZARE, PIGSTY, CEREBRAL TURBULENCY, MELANCHOLY PESSIMISM...) or even grind-core school (mostly in the fun parts). We try to mix it in an original way with other influences from every member of the band (jazz, classical, rock, …), so that in the end, our music does not look like a copy these bands, especially because of the way we play our instruments and treat the question of rhythm (constant use of asymetric measures).

(Source: Official Site)