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Biographie : Enrot

The Music of Enrot provides an eloquent soundtrack to the macabre as they take you on a trip to the darkest corners of your subconscious by exposing the truths & taboos that any normal person would be too shy, embarrassed, frightened and without gaul to express outwardly.

Enrot brings their breed of Metal that blend the classic sounds of Pantera & Sepultura along with the current abrasive & un-apologetic attitude much like that of DevilDriver & Lamb Of God. Sraight ahead & relentless music that pulls no punches.

Led by the heart of Russell Grell on Guitars, the pounding beats by Francisco Zamudio on Drums, and rounded out by the backbone of Ruben Talamantes on Bass. These 3 unique individuals bring forth a do-it-yourself attitude that is evident in their music & makes you change the way you see an Underground Metal band.

Source : http://www.facebook.com/enrotmetal