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Biographie : Doomshine

All DOOMSHINE members know each other since at last 1990 (before or after Christ, one don't know exactly...). For inexplicable reasons they didn't play together before late summer 2000.

Markus (drums) spontaneously confirmed (not really clear-headed) a gig. Sven (guitar, also playing in SPIRAL TOWER) refined the already existing songs which Markus, Timmy and Sascha presented him. Carsten was fetched back and forced to play bass. (Carsten was at this moment already in the band and in due to time problems sometimes out...).

Under the name SLEEP WITH THE DEVIL one absolved with the buddies of SEVEN OF NINE the first gig in Marbach (at that time still with friend, brother, singer and screamer Sascha on the mike).

In the following month, songs were written nameless (SLEEP WITH THE DEVIL and the impendent songs are discarded!). Without thinking in categories, the songs are almost automatically slow, heavy and melodic. Sascha leaves the band due to lack of motivation (but still may visit to drink beer). Brother Timmy does the vocal part now. One agrees relatively soon with the new band name DOOMSHINE and may play in March 2002 in Club II of Rockfabrik, Ludwigsburg.

After that Jochen Fopp (MIRROR OF DECEPTION) put DOOMSHINE on the billing of the first Doom-Festival in Europe: the (by now!) legendary DOOM SHALL RISE, which will take place in February 2003.

Before that two songs will be recorded ("Shine On Sad Angel" and "Where Nothing Hurts But Solitude" to listen and for free download on the website!). "Shine On Sad Angel" appears on the "Metal Crusade V"-Sampler from "Heavy Oder Was ?!" magazine in December 2002.

On February 7th 2003, DOOMSHINE opens the first DOOM SHALL RISE-Festival (with THUNDERSTORM, REVELATION, MIRROR OF DECEPTION, FORSAKEN, DAWN OF WINTER...) and receive predominantly good reviews.

In June 2003, DOOMSHINE signs their first record deal with Iron Glory Records. In august 27 2003, the two songs “Shine On Sad Angel” and “Where Nothing Hurts But Solitude” where released as single in vinyl-edition under name “Shining In Solitude” by Metal Supremacy. On June 28, 2004, their first full-length album “Thy Kingdoom Come” was released which got lots of positive reactions by the press and lots of Doom fans.