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Biographie : Dirgus

Eli, Bubba and Une became friends while attending Middleton High School. Eli had played guitar for a few years at the time and started jamming with Bubba, but eventually, in their precious little hearts, they longed to add some percussion to the mix. Une heeded the call and shot off to the music store to procure a kit. They all started jamming together occasionally along with some other friends in the mid 90's, eventually forming Dirgus in 1999 or so.

In mid-2005 Bubba moved away and bassist Dubs was brought into the fold. His stoner-rock-influenced playing brings a fresh energy to the group. They are currently rehearsing old and new material and will be back to slammin' out the live tunes soon.

Dirgus (der-juss) is a groove metal/stoner rock/insert genre here band, creating murky doom-laden imagery with a wall of detuned sound. The melodic but fierce growls and riffs from vocalist/guitarist Eli combine with the abyssal depths of Dubs' bass and the violent pummelling rhythms of drummer Une. Drawing from 70's psychedelic rock and doom metal as well as the hard rock and heavy metal of recent years, the Madison, WI trio's sound is based around memorable riffs and vocals and guitar/bass harmonies. Sometimes moody and trippy, sometimes violent and aggressive, Dirgus' music will definitely move you in some way.

Source : http://www.dirgus.com/bio/index.htm