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Biographie : Death Du Jour

Death du Jour saw it's blurry beginning in early autumn of 2000. At first the band was immobile in slumbering without proper line-up.Within that period many and too many persons were invited in and out, though OM was found. In summer 2002 the circle closed as the last unit emerged, signified as TF. This could be considered as the beginning of the actually working active band that started working on new material.
Death du Jour procreated itself and pregnancy in the spring of 2003 gave birth for the first-born bastard named by the term Gamashinoch. Labours for Gamashinoch took place in the maternity named Haven Studios with obstetrician Antti Porkka, the place being a converted slaughterhouse.

Gamashinoch received such praises that it makes intimates to the parody. Some of the praising parties even gained that level of interest they tried to take insolent advantage and bring Death du Jour into slavery.

Only Golden Lake Productions showed to be covetous and straight enough to mate with Death du Jour, this moment of intimacy begetted the complete harlot named Fragments of Perdition. Birth took 20 hour with caesarean section by Mika Haapasalo in Pop-Studio at summer of 2004. This harlot of proper attitude has been spawned in september of 2004

In music Death du Jour combines brutal, furious and technical extreme death metal experimenting with variations in tempos and rhythms. Lyrically band stands for nothing but hate, anguish and egoism towards humanity and all it's forms serving as a satire towards the masses not being able to see the whole picture of the realistic facts of suffering and torture.

Official biography