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Biographie : Daargesin

Daargesin has been founded in 1990. Since April 2004 the line-up consists of Ingo, Juergen, Thomas and Martin.

The band members themselves describe their music as `Mystic Thrash Metal'. This means that there are pounding, slow parts, but also fast speed-thrash-metal songs on the playlist. In addition, some songs contain panpipe parts, an interesting combination of Heavy Metal and a 'soft' instrument. The first CD has been released in April 1995. The second album 'Dracul' has been produced by the band themselves in spring 2002 and is available since end of April 2002. Daargesin gave several concerts in Germany and always got positive feedback from the audience, no matter whether there were 50 or 3500 visitors. A Daargesin concert is an event that you just have to see.
