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Biographie : Cynical Hatred

"I've been told that this is Cynical Hatreds first gig, and I just have to ask, what? Is it true and how is it possible? The guys aint just bringing us pleasant and Dissection-smelling Black metal of the more evil kind, they are also absolutely reliable on stage. Talent by nature or training on the sly? Impressive it is! Especially their "My space-hit" Mother War is making a name out of itself, but the level is unexpectedly high in every piece of material. So, until Setherial starts to play more frequent in the regions of Sundsvall, Cynical Hatred will have to bring the recommended dose of black metal. And as I said before, if this was their first gig, things can only get better. Exciting!"

"The fresh Cynical Hatred doesn't have many gigs in their luggage, but they are already on their way to become a personal favourite. Since their last gig at Pipeline they have switched bass-player, but Kristoffer Edlund replaces exemplary. It's quite rigid in the beginning and not until the end they speed up and becomes really good. The final song is brilliant and the Dissection-influed black makes me wanna keep my eyes on Cynical Hatred."

"Totally unbelievable! I saw this band tonight. It was their first gig if I'm not mistaking. And it was totally sick! Wonderful music, in the same class as At The Gates! The era of Slaughter of the soul!"

"Absolutely one of the best demobands of Sundsvall"
Report: 4/5
Cynical Hatred claims that the Doom evening-gig was their third ever, but exactly as before it's hard to believe them, because it is so good. It is so well played, well done and reliable. And I can only think about two explanations of how Cynical Hatred are so good. They play around the world, under pseudonyms of course, between the gigs in Sundsvall. Either that or Jon Nödtveidt's spirit has taken over the singer Ludde Löfvenrings body and continues his hard and evil "black-crusade" through him. Because again; It is so good! Cynical Hatred is absolutely one of the best demobands in the harder genre in Sundsvall right now. Löfvenring has a exemplary "black-voice". Riffs and tempochanges are perfectly balanced. Even though it sounds a whole lot like Dissection, you can have worse models in the genre."

Source : http://www.myspace.com/cynicalhatred