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Biographie : Corpus Necromanthum

The band started in September 2005, conformed by Julian "Azasiel"(guitar), Charlie "Baalzephon" (guitar), and Arturo "Lord Mephisthum" (drums), in the composition of the first subjects, combining diverse styles within death metal, influenced mainly by bands like Terrorizer, Napalm Death and Zyklon, but adopting its own musical style.
After a several months of continuous tests and with certain ideas, as far as objectives and ideologies, consolidates the group under the name of Corpus Necromanthum. Two months later, joins the band Douglas "Leviatham"(vocals/bass) ex--Cangrena, even defining but with guttural voices the hard and direct style of the band, and collaborating next to the rest with the lirycs compositions of Corpus, touching allusive subjects to the anti-Christianity and the darkness like main subjects to follow.
Corpus Necromanthum is born of its Latin meaning, referring towards torture of already dead people, also the contact with them from the underworld. Also they are mentioned in a metaforic way, the dark and perverse side of each human being and the world in which it lives, taking it to commit acts of pure violence against if self and any religious deity. Next, demo "Underworld Inquisition" is made up, which had a great acceptance between in the national publish, opening live doors to every time but presentations, where it unloads the great hatred and a strong interaction people.
At the moment, after of already a year together, the band works in the composition of but subjects for its LP, projected in the middle of the 2007, which will include a video for PC of high quality and elaboration. Also this planned the elaboration of a Web site with pictures gallery and merchandise like stickers, t-shirts, demos, we give and but.
Live presentations are showing up inside Costa Rica and outside at this 2008, so the band will be touring before they finish the debut album during the first quarter of 2009.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/corpusnecromanthumlegion