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Biographie : Chaosbreed

Brutality, Insanity, Mutilation! It's been a long while since it happened to me. Too long. Too much weak shit, too many bands who think they can play death metal, too many bands with no idea how to create THAT sound.

Now it's all coming back to me. All the Brutality, insanity and mutilation. It's the horrifying Chaosbreed.

They might have started back in 1973 as shoepolishers for Lemmy before continuing to compose music for Venom, Slayer and Entombed a decade later and inventing the Boss Heavy Metal HM-2 pedal – as some claim. Well, maybe they did. Maybe they spiritually composed all music for Black Metal, Reign In Blood and Left Hand Path before exiling to Scandinavia and Finland for eternal anonymity.

Well, that anonymity didn't last long as the fellow members of Chaosbreed would cause havoc and wreckage everywhere they went - as well as leaving women, children and grown-up men screaming and praying for more - as members of Amorphis, Gandalf, Mannhai, Moonsorrow, Sentenced and The Black League.

However, in Spring 2003 these five white gypsies found themselves returning home from their travels. Locked in the same room they soon found their true mission in life: to teach mankind a lesson or two about the real nature of death metal in true Scandinavian style. Expect no mercy!

And now they mess it all up, blast like motherfuckers and grind like a bunch of wackos. Brutality, insanity, mutilation, it's all there. Just spin their “Unleashed Carnage”- mini-cd or their upcoming album “Brutal” and you'll realize it. Whether you'll call them a salvation or run for cover, they surely won't leave you feel indifferent. Just ask your parents.
