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Biographie : Calm (SWE)

This is what we are supposed to be...
Calm was formed in Sweden early 1997 and has since then performed throughout their home country, Norway and Finland, been featured on two compilations in the States and has now released the first full length album "Are We Supposed To Be...".
The debut album "Are We Supposed To Be..." drowns you in a punkish blend of metal, hardcore and psychedelica. Calm has been labeled "Hardcore on acid", "Nu-metal" and even "Post punk" but elements in their music can be traced back to many other genres. Maybe Calm plays "experimental post punk new metal on acid" but no one's sure.
Calm has, since the start back in 97, gone from a four man band to a seven men strong act. Hence the often chaotic performances that makes Calm a crazy live act that should be seen. A Calm performance is very much based on the interaction with the audience and a lame crowd is not an option. Their intense live madness has been witnessed by hundreds of punks, metal heads, hardcore kids and puzzled, innocent bystanders.
"Are We Supposed To Be..." is a debut album for those that are curious of what comes (and will come) out of the northern metal underground and those that can enjoy almost forty minutes of split personality.