logo Bloodthirst (FRA)

Biographie : Bloodthirst (FRA)

BLOODTHIRST is a black metal band based in the dark hills of Normandy, inspired by old cult bands such as Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Satyricon, Emperor or Sodom . The band was formed by Lord Astaroth (6-strings chainsaw, 4-strings battleaxe, vokalik vomitation) and Nekrobastard Nebelmork (hammer of war gods, alkoholik dementia, heavy artillery) in february 2000 (both were also members of ALIENCHRIST, a black metal band from Rouen which exists no more). In the same month was recorded the first demo of BLOODTHIRST, namely "Awaiting The Nuklear Holokaust", already considered by many metalheads as a cult masterpiece of french underground black metal. This recording was made in Lord Astaroth's house, on a 4-tracks recorder, during one week of total debauchery, alkoholik insanity and satanik worshipping.

The band went back into Lord Astaroth's house in august 2000, just after the official separation of ALIENCHRIST, to record its second demo, namely "Desekrate". This one contained 4 tracks and its particularity is that some new elements have been added to the musical identity of the band, like some death metal riffs and also, in the opposite, some softer and melodic stuff. Its purpose was to show BLOODTHIRST as a more diversified and evolutive band than it was meant to be. Please note that "Awaiting The Nuklear Holokaust" and "Desekrate" are now available together on the same tape ("Nuklear death").

In september 2000, Bloodthirst got a new logo (drawn by C. Szpajdel), found a label (Northland records) and integrated a bassist (Amon Karnath "Fratus Sinister", ex-ALIENCHRIST member). Then rehearsals begun and the band prepared itself for gigs. The first one was in Voisins-le-Bretonneux (near Paris), in january 2001, during a fest with some french killer bands: Himinbjörg, Yyrkoon, Temple of Baal, Merrimack, Horrid Flesh, Gasmah. The performance of Bloodthirst in this gig, according to themselves, really sucked because of several technical problems and the fact that Lord Astaroth was sick and drunk on stage. The 2nd gig was in Rouen, in february 2000, with Erektion (brutal death) and Phoenix (heavy metal), and was far better than the first one. This time, BLOODTHIRST really proved to everybody that they could bring the nuklear holokaust on stage as they did on their demos.

During the six following months, BLOODTHIRST met unfortunately a lot of difficulties. First, their short collaboration with Northland records ended because of a total rip off from this incompetent label (if you meet the guy called Arioch, beat him to death !!!). Then A.Karnath decided to leave the band because of some personal reasons (still you are our blood brother, eternal hailz dude !!!).

These unlucky events could have killed another band, but BLOODTHIRST survived and released a new killer demo in september 2001, probably their best one to date. This new act, namely "Hymnes à la guerre" (which means "Anthems to war"), was recorded in Lord Astaroth's house once again, during an ethyllic week placed under the sign of the Goat. You can download three integral songs of this demo in the Samples section of the site.

In the same time, BLOODTHIRST found a new bassist : Mortasonge de Valnoir (ex-member of Pogrom, and only member of Gohr Al Krohn), who also realized the booklet of "Hymnes à la guerre". This new line-up did an only concert in early 2002, the last one to date, in Rouen once again, but the band stopped playing after four songs only because of some drunk bastards who disturbed them during their performance. Bloodthirst has done nothing else since this time; Nekrobastard Nebelmork has founded his own band, namely Wartorn (old school thrash-death metal) and Lord Astaroth has also involved himself in a heavy metal / hard-rock one-man band called Leather Bitch. So, the future of BLOODTHIRST seems to be seriously compromised, no one can say if the band will record something again or not.

Just wait and see...