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Biographie : Baalberith (RUS-1)

This project called Baalberith was organized on the eve of 2002 year by two individuals - Gusten (synth) and Haunted (vocals). In that early period of time they decided to play unholy dark ambient music mixed with raw black metal in the vein of old Burzum, Abigor, Begemoth, Nokturnal Mortum & Lucifugum. The first attempt was the demo "Snu Microcosmos Tegn" that was created in summer of 2003 year. Musical material was presented in 8 raw ambient themes - about 30 minutes. But because of problems with session guitarists and drummers this demo was released on the Cursed Legion studio (Gusten's own one) with no any black metal riffs but with true atmosphere of dark ambient music and for that time included one bonus track "Jesus' Tod" played on synth only. To add, technical equipment for that period was quite terrible - an ancient russian synth of 70th years and a tape recorder that was cracked after the next demo recording session. Thou the second demo tape (recorded in autumn of 2003) called "Medieval Darkness & Evil" was lost. The next musical material was composed and recorded in spring of 2004. That was the second official demo "En Skog Av Svarteguds" where all tracks were catched and written on CD from the original tape and copied in a few CD-Rs with color artwork. The musical material was quite the same as on the first demo but more professionally recorded and played. Also for the bonus the cover of Burzum "Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God" was recorded. As this demo included only old material from 2003 year, many new compositions of 2004 were recorded in the period of summer / winter 2004. That third work was the "Northern Nebular" (first full-length) album. The main difference is the mixing of dark ambient and raw black metal, as for that purpose one session guitarist Dragomir joined Baalberith. This album was recorded on CD and self-released with b/w artwork in a few copies. To promote it, the first MCD called "In The Autumnal Forest Realm" was made before the release of this forthcoming album and after a split CD was released in winter of 2005 with Gusten's side project J.A.M. named "Triumphal Ending Of The Light Ages". But that was the final end of the raw sound and terrible conditions for recordings.

In the beginning of 2005 year Dragomir left Baalberith and new guitarist D.M. joined the band. He proved himself as a very skilled musician by playing everything from metal styles to classics & blues that deeply reflected on the Baalberith's musical style.

After spending the whole year in rehearsals and upgrading the recording equipment the fourth demo "...A Dreaming Kingdom" was created. It was released in summer of 2005 on CD with color artwork and copied in a few CD-Rs. That work was the real attempt in developing of the Baalberith's musical style. Soon, in the late autumn, the first material to the second full-length album was composed and finally, recorded on one CD-R. Musical material was more professional than all the demos before thou it contained all the best themes from these years in new classical editions. The next "Promo 2006" was created especially for the promotion of the new album on some e-zines in summer of 2006. This promo CD includes two classical works (Sonate №1 op.1 & "Requiem Aeternam" trilogy op.2) also some deep and beautiful instrumental compositions and a cover of Dimmu Borgir. The forthcoming second full-length album "In Embrace Of The Pale Moon" contains all these tracks and just two bonus tracks - Sorrows Of The Moon (Celtic Frost) and Nocturne "Le Separation" written by M. I. Glinka (only for russian release).

In the beginning of 2007 a new album-compilation was released through the Cursed Legion Prod. - "...A Dreaming Kingdom / In The Autumnal Forest Realm". It includes two rare MCDs on one CD.

Source : http://darkbaalberith.narod.ru/main_ENG.htm