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Biographie : Allhelluja

Allhelluja is what we call a bastard son born from Italian and Danish demons... Ste (drums) and Max (guitars) started the engine 2 years ago and now here we are! On bass Rob and on vocals Jacob, frontman of the latest extreme metal explosion Hatesphere.
'Inferno Museum', features 10 songs and the sound should be described as an explosive mix between Entombed, Motorhead and Kyuss! Dirty Rockin' Metal with a diabolical lyrical concept inspired by Derek Raymond's book 'Dead Man Upright', a 'psycho-sex serialkiller' masterpiece.

Inferno Museum credits: recorded and pre-produced by Maurizio Brioschi at GB Studios-Italy, mixed by Jacob Bredahl in Smart n Hard Studios - Denmark, mastered by Håkan Åkesson at Cutting Room Studios-Sweden (Rammstein, Backyard Babies, In Flames)