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Biographie : Alien Syndrome 777

Italian based avantgarde black metal project AS777 started to take shape in 2007, when guitarist/songwriter Alessandro Rossi (Thy Cold, Blackdrone Inc, Emrevoid) virtually met the experimental electronic US producer Joey Hopkins (Joey Hopkins Midget Factory). Fueled by a mutual interest in extreme music and sci-fi themes, the two began recording original material in their own home studios, with A.R. taking care of the music and J.H. at vocals and lyrics. The band was soon joined by norwegian musician Member001 from The Konsortium as guest vocalist.
After a year of work around the debut demo and just a few weeks before the release, a tragic accident killed Joey Hopkins. An earthquake for his family, friends, bandmates and the whole music community he was involved with.
The recording of this first legacy came out as a self production November 9th, 2009.
Following a long hiatus and silence, in 2013 the band announced that a new collaboration was taking form. The new lineup includes A.R. at strings and programming, Vincent Cassar (Smohalla, Fixions) at keyboards and Oscar Martin (As Light Dies, Garth Arum) at vocals.
Lyrically inspired by science fiction authors like Strugatzki and Lem, as well as the powerful imagery of Tarkovskij cinema, the new compositions investigate the arduous relationship between man and other worlds, whether they be real or self-deceptions. An inner journey named "Outer".

Source : https://www.facebook.com/aliensyndrome777/