Giuseppe Orlando

Nom Giuseppe Orlando
Date de naissance inconnu
Pays Italie
Ville inconnu

Deinonychus Albums Played On: "Insomnia" - CD - 2004

Other bands and releases: Novembre, Abstracta, In Deum Maledicus, Ghouls, Rosae Crucis (session drummer)

Favourite bands: Slayer, Dream Theatre, Voivod, The Cure

Favourite movies: The Exorcist, The Sixth Sense, Matrix

Musical influences: Dave Lombardo, Pete Sandoval, Sean Rainert, Mike Portnoy and ALL the MUSIC!

Favourite readings: Comics

Favourite drinks and food: Wine, Coca Cola, all kind of Meat & Lasagna

Personal quote: I'm very glad to have produced "Insomnia", played on a song and passed a good time with Marco "Bruce Willis" Deinonychus, and Steve.

Non-musical habits: Sleeping, Smoking, hanging around while not working

Profession: Unemployed, actually working in my studio as a sound engineer

Hates: Religion and CD prices

Likes: Good grass and Pussy

Albums produits