What the Hell

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Nom du groupe Skew Siskin
Nom de l'album What the Hell
Type Album
Date de parution 13 Septembre 1999
Labels SPV
CBH Records
Style MusicalHard Rock
Membres possèdant cet album27


1. Spend the Night with Me 04:40
2. Life's a Bitch 03:57
3. Sex, Love, Dance, Music 03:57
4. Ace Against the Jack 03:28
5. Shoot Out Your Lights 04:08
6. Head Up Your Ass 03:40
7. Out of Mind, Out of Sight 04:57
8. Jesse James 04:23
9. The Phantom 04:26
10. Philosophy 101 04:14
11. Let's Get Drunk & Screw 02:30
12. Life Sucks 07:30
13. How Can I Miss You 04:16
14. Bend Over 02:46
15. Voodoo Doll 06:34
Total playing time 1:05:26

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 $129.00  122,10 €  36,95 €  £117.23  $19.14  128,21 €  128,21 €
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Skew Siskin