Join The Carnival

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Nom du groupe The Soulshake Express
Nom de l'album Join The Carnival
Type Album
Date de parution 11 Fevrier 2011
Style MusicalHeavy Rock
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. Barking up the wrong tree
2. Fired up
3. Intermission I
4. Join the carnival
5. White dots
6. Ghost of Jim Jones
7. I’ve got soul
8. Come on
9. Intermission II
10. The Hambourg limp
11. The man with the cane
12. High and dry

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 $28.80  24,95 €  53,67 €  £4.22  $38.61  24,95 €  21,95 €
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The Soulshake Express

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