Jess and the Ancient Ones

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Nom du groupe Jess And The Ancient Ones
Nom de l'album Jess and the Ancient Ones
Type Album
Date de parution 2012
Labels Svart Records
Style MusicalHeavy Rock
Membres possèdant cet album18


1. Prayer for Death and Fire 06:00
2. Twilight Witchcraft 05:51
3. Sulfur Giants (Red King) 12:01
4. Ghost Riders 07:14
5. 13th Breath of the Zodiac 05:52
6. Devil (in G-minor) 04:01
7. Come Crimson Death 11:43
Total playing time 52:42

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 $27.63  35,49 €  35,51 €  £41.02  $42.00  32,38 €  44,18 €
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Jess And The Ancient Ones