House of Nightmares

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Nom du groupe Nox Arcana
Nom de l'album House of Nightmares
Type Album
Date de parution 01 Octobre 2010
Membres possèdant cet album4


1. House of Nightmares 02:44
2. Night Closes In 03:08
3. Book of the Dead 01:12
4. Darkness Rising 01:29
5. Dead Time 03:10
6. The Ruins 02:23
7. The Forgotten Crypt 01:46
8. Well of Souls 02:57
9. The Descent 01:48
10. The Summoning 01:49
11. Ancient Evil 02:49
12. The Black Abyss 01:2
13. Shadow Dwellers 03:36
14. Bridge Between Worlds 02:44
15. On the Prowl 02:41
16. Devil's Night 02:50
17. The Nether Realm 01:23
18. Hallow's Eve 02:12
19. Unleashed 02:29
Total playing time 45:31

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Nox Arcana