Fusion of the core

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Nom du groupe Screw
Nom de l'album Fusion of the core
Type Album
Date de parution 14 Mars 2007
Labels Indie-PSC
Style MusicalVisual Kei
Membres possèdant cet album3


1. F.O.C
2. Death' s door [Fusion of the core Ver.]
3. The previous night of hell
4. Deformity to awake
5. St. Highway
6. BABY STAR [Fusion of the core Ver.]
7. Itari kou wo kyouwasu hankai na ten hakari
8. shiro yuki to mai u [Fusion of the core Ver.]
9. hakana ki ha chi ri ku bi shi ki rei
10. -kyoku- [Fusion of the core Ver.]
11. Entrance to defeat [Fusion of the core Ver.]
12. yume no kare kata he

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