Burning at Both Ends

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Nom du groupe Set Your Goals
Nom de l'album Burning at Both Ends
Type Album
Date de parution 28 Juin 2011
Produit par Brian McTernan
Style MusicalPost Hardcore
Membres possèdant cet album7


1. Cure for Apathy
2. Start the Reactor
3. Certain
4. Happy New Year
5. London Heathrow
6. Trenches
7. The Last American Virgin
8. Exit Summer
9. Unconditional
10. Product of the 80's
11. Raphael
12. Illuminated Youth (ft. Andrew Neufeld of Comeback Kid)
13. Not as Bad
Bonustrack (Digital Download Song)
14. Calaveras

Acheter cet album

 $25.18  17,13 €  17,13 €  £10.79  $27.20  11,33 €  5,23 €
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Set Your Goals