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biografía : Generation Steel

The history of GENERATION STEEL is shaped by power and passion and begins in 2019. Former DEAD MAN’S HAND and BULLET TRAIN guitarist Jack The Riffer has succeeded in recruiting four excellent musicians and thereby giving teutonic heavy metal new impulses. Rio Ullrich fits the style of GENERATION STEEL perfectly and gives the band the absolute metal attitude with his voice. As lead guitarist, Pascal Lorenz is another ideal addition. Michael Kaspar, who can already show successes with SQUEALER (including tour support from JUDAS PRIEST), occupies the position on bass and Martin Winter (SQUEALER, SCENE X DREAM) can be won as studio-drummer.

With “The Eagle Will Rise” the band sets a first massive exclamation mark, for the recordings Uwe Lulis (ACCEPT) could be won as artistic producer. The album was released worldwide on January 22nd 2021 via PURE STEEL RECORDS. It is peppered with more than a dozen songs composed by Jack and Pascal and refined with the profound lyrics by Rio Ullrich. GENERATION STEEL definitely stands for heavy metal with an anthem-like character, true to the tradition of teutonic steel metal. The debut is consistently rated positively in the press.

In summer 2021 the band mastered new challenges. Singer Rio Ullrich announces his departure from GENERATION STEEL for personal and professional reasons. The new man on the microphone is now Markus Wagner, who can already boast successes with STATE OF EUPHORIA. In Christian Hauske (BRAINDEADZ) they found the right man, who provides the necessary power on the drums.

At the beginning of 2022, GENERATION STEEL is strategically and efficiently aligned with a new partner. The band changes the label and finds a new harbor in El Puerto Records, which will GENERATION STEEL further develop in to the next level. The next album is planned for 2023. All accompanying measures are already being planned and will be coordinated with the partners.

Every change is an opportunity for further development! GENERATION STEEL are proud of the new partners and are highly motivated and more energetic than ever.

Source : https://generation-steel.de/bio/