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biografía : Comédie Macabre

Born in Paris (France) on 2005, COMEDIE MACABRE founded by L.C.F. and Mina birthed in a baroque universe mix with Metal sound to released a first demo titled "Agnus Dei" on December 2005 as five songs E.P.
During 2006, the line-up find a drummer called Vathis and starting to work the future album. Recorded and mixed on the "Blasphemia studio" (except the drum recorded in the "Liberty rock studio") in Paris, the self produced debut album titled "Blasphemia" is released on march 2007 as 11 songs full-lenght. After few positive reviews in French media, the band making some gigs in France during 2007 years.
After one year of intense work, COMEDIE MACABRE make a cover song for the "Only theatre of pain" Christian Death 2008's tribute released by Alone Prod., in the same time, the next album compositions was finalized. For a louder sound quality and optimize self production, the 9 new songs are totally recorded, mixed and produced by L.C.F. in the "Blasphemia studio" during June and July 2008.
COMEDIE MACABRE finalized a more worked opus than the precedents, as long leaves the sound quality more powerful and heavy but still keeping it's trademark elements such as baroque atmosphere and orchestral influences. COMEDIE MACABRE new masterpiece "Deathperantis" has arrived !

Source : comediemacabre.com