Labirinto de Leviatã (Leviathan's Maze)

Band's List Black Metal Lemarchand Labirinto de Leviatã (Leviathan's Maze)
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Band Name Lemarchand
Album Name Labirinto de Leviatã (Leviathan's Maze)
Type Demo
Released date 07 August 2013
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleBlack Metal
Members owning this album0


Limited to 50 copies
1. Eminente Tormento (Eminent Torment) 03:11
2. A Arte do Infiel (The Infidel Art) 03:10
3. Falange Cenobítica (Cenobitic Phalanx) 03:58
4. Eternamente Blackmetaller (Forever Blackmetaller) 02:47
5. Junte-se a Nós (Join Us) 04:02
Total playing time 17:08

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