Thrash Metal >> Les résultats du Top Thrash 2022
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Dimanche 05 Fevrier 2023 - 21:01:16

1. Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying ...and The Dead (56 points)


2. Kreator - Hate Uber Alles (55 points)


3. Protector - Excessive Outburst Of Depravity (44 points)


4. Annihilator - Metal II (32 points)


5. Tankard - Pavlov's Dawgs (29 points - cité 6 fois)


6. Revocation - Netherheaven (29 poinrs - cité 4 fois)


7. Destruction - Diabolical (28 points)


8. Voivod - Synchro Anarchy (27 points)


9. Sacrifizer - Le Diamant de Lucifer (21 points)


10. Municipal Waste - Electrified Brain (20 points)


56 albums cités

16 votants

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