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Dimanche 15 Novembre 2015 - 22:05:16

Dark Sarah aussi a réagi : "Paris and Lebanon, our thoughts are with you and your families".

Dimanche 15 Novembre 2015 - 22:07:21

Pour Amberian Dawn, c'est en images que nous est communiqué leur message:

Dimanche 15 Novembre 2015 - 22:10:30

Un soutien aussi de Doro : "we are shocked and our feelings are with the victims"

Dimanche 15 Novembre 2015 - 22:16:45

Ancient Bards, à son tour : "We traveled through France this afternoon from London to the Netherlands... And that this horrible news shattered us. Our thoughts are with Paris and the Victims of this senseless atrocity. Stay strong!"

Dimanche 15 Novembre 2015 - 22:26:50

Meden Agan aussi se souvient : "A Sad day...our thoughts and condolences to our French friends!!!"

Lundi 16 Novembre 2015 - 09:16:51

Flyleaf a aussi répondu présent : "Our deepest thoughts and prayers are with Paris, France during this excruciatingly painful time."

Lundi 16 Novembre 2015 - 09:57:27

De belles choses, ça fait du bien...

Lundi 16 Novembre 2015 - 10:50:19

Merci Eric pour ce topic.

Lundi 16 Novembre 2015 - 17:18:43

Merci pour vos encouragements.
De son côté, Lacuna Coil a, lui aussi, témoigné d'un beau geste de solidarité (en mots, en images et en musique).

"In these days we mourn the Victims of Paris because we have that city in
our hearts, we've been there a lot of times (even in that same venue)
and we have a lot of friends in the city. Surely we're not forgetting
innocent people that get killed everyday all over the world. We wrote
this song many years Ago and sadly not much HAS changed..."

Lundi 16 Novembre 2015 - 17:21:15

Un petit mot d'Akoma également :"Pray for France"