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Saturday 03 May 2014 - 07:29:04

That sounded super crazy and Evil as hell.  7/10

Morbus Chron - Chains


Sunday 21 September 2014 - 18:49:20

Not my style... Listenable, but I feel like Nothing happens. 4/10

Aephanemer - Who you really are

Monday 20 October 2014 - 04:11:52

Eh. I tend to like things that get me pumped and have an energetic feeling to them. The song just didn't give me that special feeling when I listened to it. I'll give it a 4/10, because for the first minute or so it was decent
 Thy Art is Murder- Whore to a Chainsaw

Tuesday 21 October 2014 - 01:12:37

1/10 Sorry, but that did not appeal to me what so ever. The song had no direction and some parts didn't fit in to it.

Tuesday 21 October 2014 - 20:01:17

Is that the vocalist from Massacre?
Anyway, pretty decent, if not a bit formulaic. I've heard riffs and sections like that so many times before from Death, Morbid Angel and Sinister. Don't get me wrong, they're good and catchy, but they seem to lack their own individual Voice as a band.

Been obsessed with Swans lately. Their music is pretty challenging sometimes, but I really enjoy it. Here's one of their more accessible songs that I really like.

Sunday 04 January 2015 - 15:10:58

That was a pretty dece song. I really liked the general sound of the track; with the tone of the guitars, tempo and the harmonic thing they have going with the vocals. It was very relaxing in such as well. Although the song was very anti-climatic (it would build up and then just Die) and the word "lunacy" got stuck in my Head, I still enjoyed it, 7.5/10.

Here is a band, ole mate, Panzerjager introduced to me. Ascension is a modern black Metal band that comes at you like a tidal wave. It's fast, atmospheric, dark... some sweet black metal. What do you think?

silly chrome won't accept my video...

Sunday 04 January 2015 - 16:33:07

Just remove the s from https...

Never really been a huge BM fan, and morevover this track is a bit long...
But this is well-built, pretty good riffs, good vox and melodies, so 7/10.

From Spain :

Monday 05 January 2015 - 14:17:17

Holy Shit, that hit like tonne of bricks. The song had a really nice atmosphere, good instrumentation and a great Balance of sound to it 8/10.

Here is a band I've been getting into, The Ocean. Very thick and heavy band which create real atmosphere in their music. However they also incorporate clean vocals and soft music into their songs giving it a little bit of diversity. What do you think?

Thursday 22 January 2015 - 21:37:58

An interesting listen, enjoyable NoNe the less. 8/10

Saturday 24 January 2015 - 02:44:53

How can i post videos from youtube here in the messages screen? Can anyone help me?