Portal (AUS) >> Portal - Lost Video
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Wednesday 13 April 2011 - 12:33:40
hello, I rememberd watching a video clip by Portal a While back. But I totally Forgot the name and I Forgot where I found it.
I tried looking for it on youtube but with no luck.
The song was fucking Insane and I want to hear it again 0
could someone help me 0

Wednesday 13 April 2011 - 14:24:39

citation :
miniradman says : hello, I rememberd watching a video clip by Portal a While back. But I totally Forgot the name and I Forgot where I found it.
I tried looking for it on youtube but with no luck.
The song was fucking Insane and I want to hear it again 0
could someone help me 0

Was it Transcending a Mere Multiverse or Glumorphonel?