Deathcore/Metalcore/Hardcore >> Outdated information
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Sunday 27 January 2013 - 07:24:58
My old band Impurity Of Mriya has outdated info on the bandmembers, tried editing it but Nothing happened.

1.Mike Parrish was the original vocalist, he's not mentioned at all.
2.Daniel Faulkner was temporarily a guitarist, he also isn't mentioned at all.
3.Preston Graff (me) did vocals for 2 months whereI played about 8 shows with them on a west coast tour. No mention of me either.
4.Rodderick Spencer quit and The vocalist of Did You Mean Australia Jon "Panda" Doe did vocals for a while. No mention of him.

Someone please ADD all of this info to the page

Also why was my band Esaroe not submitted if we released a demo?

Sunday 27 January 2013 - 13:53:17
1. Check out "modification history" of your old band
2. Publish your demo's artwork and tracklist at internet

Sunday 27 January 2013 - 14:23:28
i think it's normal because there is a delay (short or long) between a modification and the approval by the members in charge of this part of SOM

and for Esaroe if you want your band on SOM you must have a physical demo or CD
and it must have a cover and a tracklist.
if you don't have any physical material your band can't be ADD on SOM

Monday 28 January 2013 - 09:11:01
Impurity Of Mriya is, ok

But pure_fucking_metal_666 is correct, you need to have a physical release of your music (including artwork)with the complete track list