Death Metal >> Next Level In Technical Death Metal
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Friday 01 July 2011 - 15:47:23
I really like Origin and Gorezone for technical, although I am more into my MeloDeath then highly technical stuff!

Thursday 14 July 2011 - 21:30:08

Thursday 14 July 2011 - 23:19:30

citation :
mtlfrm says : I really like Origin and Gorezone for technical, although I am more into my MeloDeath then highly technical stuff!

Gorezone rules, i loved that new album they came out with like a year ago... i think i wrote a review for it awhile back, really grindy/technical stuff

Friday 15 July 2011 - 19:04:59
Technical metal is good, I like bands such as Decapitated, Arsis, Atheist, Machine Head, ...
But some bands try to be too technical, playing as much notes as possible in a second. This can be nice in a few songs in order to show the skill of the musicians or experiments but several or all albums... is just too much. Atmosphere and meaning drown and disappear in the Stream of technicality

Friday 15 July 2011 - 21:29:48

citation :
Panzerjager says : Technical metal is good, I like bands such as Decapitated, Arsis, Atheist, Machine Head, ...
But some bands try to be too technical, playing as much notes as possible in a second. This can be nice in a few songs in order to show the skill of the musicians or experiments but several or all albums... is just too much. Atmosphere and meaning drown and disappear in the Stream of technicality

I agree 100%
i never heard better technical stuff than .....

Saturday 16 July 2011 - 06:30:18
Nothing can beat death in both technicality and atmosphere

Saturday 16 July 2011 - 21:50:03
The Sound of Perseverance is shitty and you all suck for liking it. The nadir of Death's career.

Also, have you guys ever considered that the technicality creates an atmosphere all its own? Some bands, by playing with such abilities, create a completely Soulless, Alien atmosphere that fits Death Metal perfectly.

Sunday 17 July 2011 - 10:36:34

citation :
Enigmatick says : The Sound of Perseverance is shitty and you all suck for liking it. The nadir of Death's career.

Also, have you guys ever considered that the technicality creates an atmosphere all its own? Some bands, by playing with such abilities, create a completely Soulless, Alien atmosphere that fits Death Metal perfectly.

Dude really, what's the problem? I and Xess like Sound of Perseverance, so what? We didn't say it is the best album of Death nor the only album we like. I like Death in its whole, not just one album.

You might be correct about the atmosphere but alot of bands fail in creating this and just drown you in arrpeggios, hammer-ons, whammy bar experiments and very high amounts of attacks/min

Sunday 17 July 2011 - 19:37:54

citation :
Enigmatick says : The Sound of Perseverance is shitty and you all suck for liking it. The nadir of Death's career.

Also, have you guys ever considered that the technicality creates an atmosphere all its own? Some bands, by playing with such abilities, create a completely Soulless, Alien atmosphere that fits Death Metal perfectly.

I Hate it, but I can understand why others like it.

And that description works perfectly with Mitochondrion, Portal and Ulcerate.

Sunday 17 July 2011 - 19:42:25
Merc: Portal is the definition of alienating
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