Black Metal >> Need Help Finding this Epic Black Metal song
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Tuesday 02 August 2011 - 01:40:51
Ok I used to have this Black Metal song, and I can't remember the name of the band or song title. I looked all over the internet for many months. I figured this place has the biggest database of Extreme music I've seen so I hope to find it here. The song titled had something to do with The Four Horsemen, maybe just one.I remember how it started with this eerie low toned monk like Voice carrying out like a war Horn almost, while the guitars produced a Distorted background effect.To me this song was epic, and I hope somewhere here can help reunite me with this dark masterpiece.

Tuesday 02 August 2011 - 02:25:03

citation :
Lazreal says : I figured this place has the biggest database of Extreme music

Second biggest, metal archives beats up there. I may know the song, but it doesn't come to mind right now. If I come up with something similar to that description, I'll help.

Tuesday 02 August 2011 - 16:00:07
Do you remember Fragments of the band name or song name? Or something from the cover of the album? We can start puzzeling then

Tuesday 02 August 2011 - 17:04:51
I don't know, but I have the strange feeling that Enslaved wrote this song based on what you've described.
It isn't Havenless, is it?

I guess it has Nothing to do with the 4 hoursemen as you say so I'm probably wrong. But whatever you're talking about is probably by Enslaved or Nokturnal Mortum or something.

Thursday 18 August 2011 - 05:32:05
Black Metal song? i like it, can you send it to me?

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