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Friday 11 February 2011 - 02:33:22

citation :
1Archon1 says : I Hate clueless posers and know-all elitists . I cant seem to figure about which one is worst .

Well, the posers can be funny in their pitiful ignorance. But the elitists can be seriously annoying. I Hate the elitists more.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 04:10:11
What is an elitist, exactly? I'd just like to hear what your definition of one is.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 04:28:55

citation :
Enigmatick says : What is an elitist, exactly? I'd just like to hear what your definition of one is.

Elitism is the basic thought that a society should be governed by "superiors" (or elites, in this case). So an elitist is one who believes in this logic.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 04:58:19
You know what I meant, make it pertain more to the Realm of metal.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 05:08:49
A person who wants everything to be one way (genre mostly). A metal elitist basically shuns "posers" in any way they can. By definition of elitism, they are probably very opinionated. They probably are also idealistic believing that one genre is better than another and they will stay with that belief. Another added point is that they might shun a band because of popularity.

That is basically it, I guess. I may be wrong at points.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 05:30:54
That's all personal music taste though.

You stated that "hating somebody for personal music taste" is elitism.

you're an elitist, buddy, as is everybody else who supposedly "hates" people for their music tastes.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 05:39:21
"hating somebody for personal music taste"

And this was stated where? I'm not some kind of idealistic moron that hold my favourite genre over another (I used to be). I stated that elitists believe "that one genre is better than another and they will stay with that belief".

Where did you get the "hate" point from? I never said that, and yet you quote what is not there. I said that they shun others. That is just a superiority complex. Shunning someone doesn't always have to be hate-filled. It can just be a ignorant spree where one believes that all other opinions are false in regards to one's own.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 11:06:05
As i was The One that said it in the first place , i will give my own definition for elitism .
Usually , as stated in dictionaries :
1. The belief that certain persons or
members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by Virtue
of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or
financial resources.
a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. 
Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.

Thats more or less the belief in metal too . Elitists need to seperate from the crowd . Knowledge ( about music in our case ) isnt considered a way for entertainment ( amusement+education ) but from the moment their beliefs are self-valued as the best , they use knowledge either to convert , create impressions , or crush less confirmed opinions to feed their sense of superiority .
I think all metalheads pass from that stage . Some a little , some much much more . I am no psychologist , but it seems like a defense mechanism to compensate for the lack of admiration/success . If you spend your whole everyday life Dwelling in our music and get no credits for that , you will try to reward yourself by placing him as Superior .

Friday 11 February 2011 - 19:28:44

citation :
1Archon1 says : As i was The One that said it in the first place , i will give my own definition for elitism .
Usually , as stated in dictionaries :
1. The belief that certain persons or
members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by Virtue
of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or
financial resources.
a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. 
Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.

Thats more or less the belief in metal too . Elitists need to seperate from the crowd . Knowledge ( about music in our case ) isnt considered a way for entertainment ( amusement+education ) but from the moment their beliefs are self-valued as the best , they use knowledge either to convert , create impressions , or crush less confirmed opinions to feed their sense of superiority .
I think all metalheads pass from that stage . Some a little , some much much more . I am no psychologist , but it seems like a defense mechanism to compensate for the lack of admiration/success . If you spend your whole everyday life Dwelling in our music and get no credits for that , you will try to reward yourself by placing him as Superior .

You're very right in this. And your psychological analysis is very correct. Incertainity pushes people often to a direction where they do things to rise above the crowd. In metal this is elitism. I noticed that this phenomena is very typical for young people. It often dissappears between 17-24. there are exceptions though.

i passed this stage in a mild version too. I was for about a year really Addicted to Black Metal, not as much as some tohers here but ok you'll know what I mean. I wanted to know as much as possible about BM. I Forgot about other, equal or better genres. This changed about three weeks ago. At school a girl, good friend of me, asked me my opinion on an album. I don't mention the band nor the album. After All the Alternative Rock she let me hear was very good IMO. And I told her how I thought about that album, being positive. Then she asked me: but you're somebody who likes BM too? I replied that BM is not the only genre for me (oh, stupid liied a bit then). When I came home I changed my desktop wallpaper (being a jet-black BM norse combo) and cleaned my itunes library from some bad underground BM bands. Then I went to a local shopto but the above mentioned album, so much I was impressed.
I have realised that elitism is useless,pointless, silly and Nothing more than a puberal phenomena.

Friday 11 February 2011 - 21:17:52

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Mercenarion says : Where did you get the "hate" point from?  

citation :
Mercenarion, on an earlier post said: I Hate the elitists more.


Listening to only one subgenre of music and shunning all who listen to anything else, as radical as it is, is a purely subjective musical preference just like any other. Hating somebody for that would be hating somebody for their personal music taste, as the attitude you bring towards music defines your music taste as much as anything.

Therefore hating elitists makes for a glaring hypocrisy.