Hell >> Hell Is...
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Thursday 20 January 2011 - 20:06:15
The 72 virgins thing is that you get them, when you Die while fighting for your religion and God. Not the way terrorists do it, they break lots of laws in Islam anyway.
It's when you Fight for defending your Faith, like fighting against the Crusaders etc. Killing innocents and suicide don't count there, this is cowardly. Those who do that end up In Hell, no matter for what they have fought.

Friday 21 January 2011 - 17:05:45

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dawn_of_metal says :

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Raina says : I wonder what muslim women get if they go to heaven? Virgins are probably not as tempting for  many of them...
You know, I have heard that the 72 virgins thingy isn't even in the quran it's just something that's been made up afterwards to get people to support a certain person. Ever heard of the Basij in the Iran-Iraq war? The Basij were young iranians that recieved plastic keys which were "the key to paradise". When the young iranians died In Battle they would go to paradise with the 72 virgins. This is of course bullshit, the iranians were just short on soldiers so they came up with the idea. So the 72 virgin thingy isn't anything that many muslims actually believe in.

weren't the Basij unarmed too? i remember hearing about how Iraninans would just essentially throw thousands and thousands of young un-armed men into the Iraqi lines essentially just to "wear down" the enemy.

Friday 21 January 2011 - 17:06:49

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Demogorefest says :

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dawn_of_metal says :

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Raina says : I wonder what muslim women get if they go to heaven? Virgins are probably not as tempting for  many of them...
You know, I have heard that the 72 virgins thingy isn't even in the quran it's just something that's been made up afterwards to get people to support a certain person. Ever heard of the Basij in the Iran-Iraq war? The Basij were young iranians that recieved plastic keys which were "the key to paradise". When the young iranians died In Battle they would go to paradise with the 72 virgins. This is of course bullshit, the iranians were just short on soldiers so they came up with the idea. So the 72 virgin thingy isn't anything that many muslims actually believe in.

weren't the Basij unarmed too? i remember hearing about how Iraninans would just essentially throw thousands and thousands of young un-armed men into the Iraqi lines essentially just to "wear down" the enemy.
They were mainly used as suicide bombers to destroy tanks but they were never armed with anything else.

Tuesday 15 February 2011 - 14:57:19
you should ask la vey.

Wednesday 16 February 2011 - 13:49:36

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sk8phantom says : you should ask la vey.

La Vey... ready for psychiatry

Wednesday 16 February 2011 - 15:53:52

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sk8phantom says : you should ask la vey.

Actaully, LaVey didn't believe in hell... I read his Satanic Bible. 0

Wednesday 16 February 2011 - 18:46:02

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InfinityZero says :

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sk8phantom says : you should ask la vey.

Actaully, LaVey didn't believe in hell... I read his Satanic Bible. 0

Yep, they were just believing in Satan as a symbol of the Carnal self. They just believe in themselves.

Sunday 20 November 2011 - 00:01:27

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asphyxia_forever says : Hell is being at school. being bossed around by parents. and society.

Hahaha, teen Angst.  I can almost hear the AFI coming from your headphones.

Sorry, that was unnecessarily harsh, but really.  I think suffering Eternal, nauseating Agony from fire while simultaneously suffering excruciating psychological Pathos would be way worse.

Saturday 26 May 2012 - 09:29:32
(Apologies for my Bad English, i'm just 16 and from Finland)
I have had psychosis and  bipolar disorder mixed together

That was called 'psychotic mania'

One night when i was having a psychotic mania-episode, i went to Graveyard, wearing 200cm karate-suit, a top hat and pillowcase on my Head ! I was also having my ESP ltd mmv 09fd with me (V-model Alexi Laiho-style guitar) ! I mean, i were Dreaming of that Journey for days, and when my family was asleep, i thought it could be fucking 5/5 to go have a fresh air in the graveyard.

(DONT think i am/were a Satan worshipper or anything, Jesus is fucking gr8 guy :D )

Well, when i was going to the Graveyard, i just played songs like Mayhem - freezing Moon and some songs from Arckanum,,

In the Graveyard, i walked slowly towards to the back of the Graveyard, there i found a 100 ft pine, well i was kinda pissed of, because it was dark and the pine really impressed and scared me. I walked towards it, the pine glowed strangely because my vision was very blurred..

When i was near the pine, i thought that i should show my tribute to that pine

So, i played.. I played Bach and Francesco Tàrrega and all kind of classical guitar music. When i finished my tribute, and laughed towards the pine, wind became to blow. Wind moved the branches of that pine, and it all looked so magical i went.. I went to shock. I Slowly walked back to my home. The house where i live, is very big and very very old, and it's about 150 ft's from the graveyard. Well, back in home, i felt like making some art. I took some paper, a pencil and a knife. I'm not very good at drawing, so i thought i could replace my skills with my blood. So i cut my Hand many times, and it felt like having Sex with the knife, it felt so fucking good... The

Well, after a while (20 minutes) i felt like someone is spying me..
Then i realized i had made a fucking bad thing.
I had disgraced my god's graveyard.. I thought GOD had sent animals to this house, to catch me, to bring me to GOD, and to be Punished in the eyes of god.
I remember that i Saw my DAD at the door. My DAD lives 200 kilometres from my town.

After few days of madness, i finally gravitated to psychiatric hospital.
That was 3 weeks ago.

That wasn't even close to Hell,  but that could have been Hell if those 'animals' 'had caught me' !
But when i think that night now, i mainly laugh!

Sunday 27 May 2012 - 12:21:10

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Mental_Fumes says : Well...
(Apologies for my Bad English, i'm just 16 and from Finland)
I have had psychosis and  bipolar disorder mixed together

That was called 'psychotic mania'

One night when i was having a psychotic mania-episode, i went to Graveyard, wearing 200cm karate-suit, a top hat and pillowcase on my Head ! I was also having my ESP ltd mmv 09fd with me (V-model Alexi Laiho-style guitar) ! I mean, i were Dreaming of that Journey for days, and when my family was asleep, i thought it could be fucking 5/5 to go have a fresh air in the graveyard.

(DONT think i am/were a Satan worshipper or anything, Jesus is fucking gr8 guy :D )

Well, when i was going to the Graveyard, i just played songs like Mayhem - freezing Moon and some songs from Arckanum,,

In the Graveyard, i walked slowly towards to the back of the Graveyard, there i found a 100 ft pine, well i was kinda pissed of, because it was dark and the pine really impressed and scared me. I walked towards it, the pine glowed strangely because my vision was very blurred..

When i was near the pine, i thought that i should show my tribute to that pine

So, i played.. I played Bach and Francesco Tàrrega and all kind of classical guitar music. When i finished my tribute, and laughed towards the pine, wind became to blow. Wind moved the branches of that pine, and it all looked so magical i went.. I went to shock. I Slowly walked back to my home. The house where i live, is very big and very very old, and it's about 150 ft's from the graveyard. Well, back in home, i felt like making some art. I took some paper, a pencil and a knife. I'm not very good at drawing, so i thought i could replace my skills with my blood. So i cut my Hand many times, and it felt like having Sex with the knife, it felt so fucking good... The

Well, after a while (20 minutes) i felt like someone is spying me..
Then i realized i had made a fucking bad thing.
I had disgraced my god's graveyard.. I thought GOD had sent animals to this house, to catch me, to bring me to GOD, and to be Punished in the eyes of god.
I remember that i Saw my DAD at the door. My DAD lives 200 kilometres from my town.

After few days of madness, i finally gravitated to psychiatric hospital.
That was 3 weeks ago.

That wasn't even close to Hell,  but that could have been Hell if those 'animals' 'had caught me' !
But when i think that night now, i mainly laugh!