Glorior Belli >> Glorior Belli : Reveals new album details; debut song streaming on-line
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Saturday 07 September 2013 - 18:10:55
France's avantgarde black metallers Glorior Belli have revealed the details of their forthcoming 5th album entitled: "Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls". The release is coming to shops on October 29th in Europe and November 12th in North America via Agonia Records. A debut song off the release is streaming now at: 

glorior belli - gators rumble, chaos unfurs
Consequently climbing the ladder of innovation and artistic development, the French quartet Glorior Belli managed to work out a very own sound and view in the often stiff frames found within the black Metal genre. Descriptions such as "Avant-garde black Metal bluesmen" (Pitchfork) or "bluesy doom-sludge" (Metal Sucks) are only the Two sides of the same coin, that is about to reveal a new flip. "Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls" - band's fifth full-length release - is yet another milestone of an unusual relationship between southern stylistics and crushing heaviness, all tied up and sealed by a Twisted yet still refreshing take on music, straight from the suburbs of Paris.
The successor to "The Great Southern Darkness" (Metal Blade, 2011) will be available as digipack CD, 12" Vinyl and digitally.
I. Blackpowder Roars
II. Wolves At My Door
III. Ain't No Pit Deep Enough
IV. A Hoax, A Croc!
V. From One Rebel To Another
VI. I Asked For Wine, He Gave Me Blood
VII. The South Will Always Know My Name
VIII. Le Blackout Blues
IX. Backwoods Bayou
X. Built For Discomfort
XI. Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls 

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