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Monday 25 April 2011 - 07:26:14
Recently I've been listening to Vomitory's discography. It has been a while. Still awesome death metal.

Carnage Euphoria - Vomitory

Their newest (Opus Mortis VIII) is not as good as the others though; seems more thrashy than their unique Brutal, yet melodic feel.

Monday 25 April 2011 - 18:10:20
Vomitory's okay, a lot of times they seem like a Swedish Death Metal tribute band rather than the real thing, but they do what they do with class.

Right now I'm really getting into Haven for the Insane by Cardiac Arrest. This is one of those Death Metal releases that really DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. Doesn't give a fuck where it takes influence from (I hear modern Death Metal, grind, and even Deathcore influence in this), doesn't give a fuck what you think of it, and it's just fucking ANGRY. It's got some Sick wicked and Nasty pit grooves too, it's pretty much a quintessential Death Metal record.

Many thanks to GandhiEgo for namedropping these guys in another thread.

Thursday 02 June 2011 - 03:47:58
Haemorrhage - Hospital Carnage (2011)

Thursday 02 June 2011 - 06:42:10
Waco Jesus - Sex, drugs, and Death Metal

Friday 03 June 2011 - 15:15:28

Thornesbreed - 273.15 Degrees Below Zero

I usually don't fall in love on first sight but I'm glad to make an exception for this German band.

Killer ACT in the vein of Dead Congregation / Immolation with some Black Metal in the riffing. Definitely something to check out if you love the two aforementioned bands. Terrific though too short (it's a MCD).

Friday 03 June 2011 - 19:24:05
I'm currently listening to Arch Enemy's 'Black Earth'. (The nostalgia!) Don't worry, it isn't the Arch Enemy of today that's full of mallgoth redundancy and generic riffing, it's the good shit.
More specifically, I'm currently on the solo of the third song, Eureka. Awesome stuff.

Friday 03 June 2011 - 22:41:33
Lately I've been listening to Nothing but Forlorn Path and Book Of Black Earth.

Book Of Black Earth being my most recent find. Words really can't describe Forlorn Path's demo Unlike The Passing Birds. It makes me wonder what else is to come from them. Book Of Black Earth is pretty heavy, but like Merc said, there are some points of their songs that have chugging. But nevertheless, it's pretty good.

Saturday 04 June 2011 - 16:35:20
Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder GOD
Becoming The Archetype - Celestial Completion
Napalm Death - Smear Campaign & The Code is Red...

Saturday 04 June 2011 - 16:42:38
I just found these guys this morning.

I'm impressed. So far...

Monday 20 June 2011 - 01:37:58

citation :
Enigmatick says : Vomitory's okay, a lot of times they seem like a Swedish Death Metal tribute band rather than the real thing, but they do what they do with class.

To be somewhat fair, Vomitory were actually around in the early 90's - their early demos were around the tail end of the original Swedeath movement. I'm not the biggest fan of them but I enjoy Redemption a lot.