Deathcore/Metalcore/Hardcore >> Core discoveries
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Thursday 24 January 2013 - 13:01:45
The Royal
Found these guys on youtube and I think it's a great new band. You should check it out, their EP can be downloaded for free on the website
Here's the video that convinced me

Anyone else made some recent discoveries?
Hit me up if it's quality metalcore!

Thursday 24 January 2013 - 20:42:49
I really got into
All Faces Down's album Face the Truth, it's more post Hardcore than Metalcore, but still really good.

Also "Too Late the Hero" is an amazing band, the song "Life as Fiction" is one of my favorite songs of all time.
Friday 25 January 2013 - 05:10:46
Recently I've come across Two bands which I've started getting into.

The first is Thats Outrageous, although they're more like Hardcore than metalcore.

I don't know why, but I find their song Obliviate so catchy!

The next band is For All Eternity which is a melodic Metalcore band from Australia. Once again, really catchy.

I might post some more as I discover them

Friday 25 January 2013 - 14:43:03
I like Ekotren's first album also, "light the fire" it's got some hellacious grooves in it, also some really awesome melody parts. the lyrics are a bit lacking, but the delivery of them makes you wanna jump up and punch stuff. and his singing Voice sounds so familiar, i just can't place it.
Saturday 26 January 2013 - 13:48:21
I liked The Royal, but it seems I've got picky when it comes to metalcore.
Mini's ones were pretty good too. Especially That's Outrageous! I think I'll remember That One!
For some reason at some part in the song it reminded me of that:

Yeah, it's not even really metal...I really think it's catchy though... (yeah sometimes I have weird tastes...)

My latest discoveries in Metalcore was really catchy too, Heartist, which wasn't on Som yet if I remember correctly. There's maybe a lot of clean vocals, but I thought they were'nt so bad.

Saturday 26 January 2013 - 14:53:41
EkoTren right here

Too Late the Hero

Sunday 03 February 2013 - 12:24:09
Daymmmm... I just heard The Room Colored Charlatan's new album, Between Mirrors: The Quantum Immortality.

They are a progressive Deathcore similar to The Yellow Sign in the beginning, but they get way more interesting once you start getting into the guts of the track. I was shocked when I first heard this, it's amazing!

Sunday 03 February 2013 - 18:08:16
In the last several months I've really got into a lot of stuff I normally wouldn't have paid no mind to. Slice The Cake has recently become one of my favorite Deathcore bands. The name is a bit deceiving, they don't overdo the breakdowns at all, more progressive than the slow, chuggy stuff.

Monday 04 February 2013 - 16:47:35
oh wow, Slice The Cake is easily one of the better Deathcore bands out there.

I've become infatuated with Burning The Masses, well not to say i've become but have been for a while now. They sorta moved away from the generic Deathcore scene, now are a lot more progressive.

Wednesday 06 February 2013 - 10:52:27
Burning The Masses is pretty good, but I wouldn't call them progressive, they're about as generic as Deathcore can get.

Here's something awesome
