Nuclear (CHL) : Performed live on Rockaxis TV (Chile)

Niedziela 13 Listopad 2011 - 10:26:43 by Pirosaint

A professional video of the Chilean metallers Nuclear performing live this past Oct 25, at "Rockaxis TV" in Santiago, Chile, can be seen on the Vimeo link:

The band performed material from its three albums "Heaven Denied (2006)", "Ten Broken Codes (2008)", "Jehovirus (2010)". The band recently was the supporting ACT for Testament in Santiago, Chile playing in front of more than 2000 attendees at Teatro Caupolican on August 16th, 2011. The band is currently working on a new album expected by late 2012.

The list of songs the Nuclear performed live it was the following:
1. Vindictive
2. Dole
3. Heaven Denied
4. Sadistic Method For Crime
5. Eleventh Block
6. E-Faith
7. Criminal Solicitation
8. Acts Of Depravity
9. Asphyxia
10. The Pain That You Asked For
11. Violence That Burns
12. Belligerence
13. Brutal Yet Precise
14.Fake Messiah
15. Mindfucked C.S.

More information about Nuclear on


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